I AM JET AT BASE OF FIRE “score“ video

  • Animation, editing, music composition, Max/MSP programming

This is the “score“ video for the third movement of a piece of music I wrote for rock quartet and electronics. The first two movements are scored for just the quartet, while the third uses a custom Max patch and a USB controller to manipulate and recombine the recorded audio stems from the first two movements in real time, creating something new. I thought that it only made sense to reconfigure the score visually for this movement’s video. All of the visuals were made using the sheet music for the prior two movements.

Screenshot of the I Am Jet At Base of Fire Max patch in presentation mode with the mix stems loaded (drums, bass, guitars L+R)

Screenshot of the Max patch in presentation mode with the mix stems loaded (drums, bass, guitars L+R)

Screenshot of the Max patch


Perot Museum of Nature and Science Interactive Installations